When the road runs out, that’s when the real adventures begin. Wolfie’s go anywhere capability and rugged reliability means there are very few places in Scotland you can’t (with permission) go. This custom-built Jeep Wrangler will conquer hills, traverse streams and make light work of mud and snow. With its pop-up roof and all the creature comforts of home, like a 20 tog duvet, Egyptian cotton sheets, furs, hot water bottles, champagne glasses, portable stove and so much more, Wolfie is all you need to go wild in Scotland.

“This is the most comfy & cosy way to sleep out under the stars I have ever experienced”
Liam & Hannah Hanlin

“I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is”
Alan Watts

One of the joys of being out there in the wilderness, is the space it creates, the space to think about the simple things in life, far away from the madding crowd. We have found the simple pleasure of creating, preparing and cooking food to be one of the most rewarding part of the journey. Our past guests have commented on the richness, diversity and freshness of the Scottish & island larder – suggesting it awakens the primal senses and delivers huge satisfaction and pleasure – and seems to be an experience that is often better shared.


video: exploremore media, website: www.weareignite.group